- Uppgifter
- Kategori: Specialbulletiner från ARRL
- Träffar: 838
ARLX016 W1AW Code Practice Text Sources Taken from February 1922 QST
SB SPCL @ ARL $ARLX016 ARLX016 W1AW Code Practice Text Sources Taken from February 1922 QST ZCZC AX16 QST de W1AW Special Bulletin 16 ARLX016 >From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT December 3, 2021 To all radio amateurs SB SPCL ARL ARLX016 ARLX016 W1AW Code Practice Text Sources Taken from February 1922 QST In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the 1st Transatlantic Test, the code practice text material for the week of December 6 through 10 originates from the February 1922 issue of QST. It was in this issue the results of the Transatlantic Test were published. The February 1922 QST text material may also be used for subsequent code practice transmissions. The text is taken from pages 14 to 18, 21 to 27, and pages 37 to 40 of this issue. The text files for each speed will soon be available for viewing online at, https://www.arrl.org/code-practice-qst-source . Please see http://arrl.org/transatlantic for more details on the event. NNNN /EX
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Klubbfrekv: 145,425 MHz, på HF: 3633 kHz - QO-ringen sönd kl 10 SNT
FM Repeater: R3x (145,6875 MHz)/RU6 (434,750 MHz) 77Hz
Digital Repeater: DMR: 434,5625 MHz (-2 MHz)
Ansvarig utgivare: Stefan Fägerhall
Copyright: Södertörns Radioamatörer 2006 - 2025